Saturday, July 12, 2008

Final Thoughts.

Final Thoughts

1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.
=The character are Saul, Sue,Caroline, Ruth, Capt. Mars, Control, Dolphins. If I were one of the characters in the novel, maybe I would be Sue. Sue is a brave women, positive, and she has a good self confidence. I think that i will like to be like her, she is not afraid of nothing and she would fight until the end; and I like that.

2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?
=Mmmm... He was shocked, he didn't realized about the problem that dolphins were suffering, he was scared at the same time, he had a lot of feelings at the same moment. But at the end he didnt want to accept it, he didn't want to accept the real life.

3. SettingDescribe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.
=Year 2051 is totally different, from ours. They have advanced technology, they depend of them. They dont have privacy, because all of the person were watched. They have a lot of comfortable things. Few jobs, because all companies works with robots, computers etc. The food different, the transportation. A lot of global warning.

4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.
= A combination of the above, I was anger but at the same time desparate, scared. I was scared of the life that they were living, i was telling myself that i dont want to live like that, is horrible.
Also i was kind of nervous because of the dolphins, i was worried of them, if they would be rescue or not.

5. Compare and Contrast:Who is the main character of the novel?Describe how you are like the main character of this novel.Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel.
=Saul absolutely. I have a little of him, if i were him, i should be scared too at the first moment. But im different of him because he believes in all the things that control said and he is stubborn, because he didnt want it to accept the real life.

6. Advice, If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.
= Dear saul:
My name is ale and im from mexico. How are you? ... well i hope that everything is ok,,....
I wrote this letter for you because i want to give you an advice.
My advice is that you should be more open. Express your feelings, for someone. Dont be scared, and be secure of yourself.
I just want you to know about this, i hope that you could do it, and you will see the difference.
sincerley ale.

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
Dolphin music

The next day, during a virtual concert on the Web, Caroline started talking about Saul. She repeated everything he had told her about the Dolphins and the Music Rooms, and how they were hurt with electricity in order to make music. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the recording studio and shoot her, Caroline fell down dead.

Chapter 17

CHapter 17
Dolphin Music

1. - I want him found: Captain Marrs
2. - They hated screen watching: Mar's men
3. - I’ll check in the laptop: Sue
4. - They lay without moving: Narrator
5. - We’re too late: Saul
6. - Good morning, What can I do for you?: The computer

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

a. Wanted to watch everything that happened on the web?

b. Did all the real work?

c. Started a fire to burn the forests down?
=BEATCON, Capt. Marrs.

d. Made the fire even bigger to get Mars into trouble?

e. Was going to stay behind the caves?

Chapter 11-16

Chapters 11,12, 13
Dolphin Music

1.Explain the reasons which Saul did not want to travel with Sue Hunter.
= Because he was scared, of being with terrorist, and also because of sue.

2.What was the purpose of the small computer chip?
= The main purpose was to use the information of Saul and to put it in the computer chip, and then they could use it to enter to the music room.

3.Explain the reasons Sue and Ruth became terrorist.
=Because they wanted to change the world and the only way to do it is by the bad way. They didn’t want to do it, but they have to. Is the only way to control and to stop the whole world from CONTROL.

4.Why did Saul think Sue was rude?
= Because of the ways, and manners that she behaved while she was with him.

Chapter 14-16

Chapters 14-16
Dolphin Music

1-.Why did Saul and Sue feel sad and angry when they left Caroline’s house?
= Because Caroline didn’t believe him (Saul). She started to shout at him, to accuse him and to judge him instead of listening.

2-.Why while Captain Mars questioned Caroline, she decided to make herself sound unintelligent?
= Because Caroline knew that in a deep deep part of her heart, she will always love him. She knew too that she was unfair with him and the only way to be calm is by doing something good.

3-.Give reasons why Caroline believed or not believed in Saul’s words:
= Caroline didn’t believe him because maybe she wanted proves.
Also they were a lot of things that for her was a lie, and horrible things.
Caroline was really in shocked of everything that Saul said, that maybe for her it was better to not listen to him.

4-.Do you think Saul really loved Caroline or vice versa?
=I don’t think so, because in true love you have to know the other person, you have to know the minimum details, to be with her/him.
They have to be truly in love, and Saul and Caroline didn’t.
Maybe it was a different love.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chapter 8,9 & 10

Chapters: 8-9-10
Dolphin Music

These questions were created by the ESL students of Spring 2008. Answer two questions only.

1. Why did Saul say, “I don’t want to become a terrorist”? What did Saul really want to do?Do you believe that Saul and Sue will arrive to Neumatt alive? Explain in details.

=Saul said that he dont want to be a terrorist, because that was bad, he wants a calm life, a better life than being a terrorist, Saul wants to be in his house listening to music, he wants a life without trouble, problem, and terrible things.
I think that saul and sue will arrive to Neumatt, they have to, they had wait for a long time but also they had been in very dangerous moments, so they deserve to succed in there mision

4. What were Saul’s thoughts when he was traveling through the tunnel with Ruth and Sue?

=He thought that the plan that they had was very risky, and dangerous. He was scared but at the same time he was sure that they could do it.

Chapter 6

Dolphin Music

Who said what? Be specific on the details.

1. He's going to be useless in the journey.
=Sue. Sue was saying that he is going to be useless because she thought that he was very coward, and scared.

2. Where are we going?
=Saul was asking to Ruth and Sue, he want to know what was happening, to be sure that everything was all right.

3. I think I was right to choose him.
=Ruth said that. Because she noticed that Saul love dolphins, that he knows everything about them. And she was sure that he would do an excellent job.

4. Marrs won't bother me.
=Peter said to Ruth, because peter is the controller’s Brother.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:
1. Answer with specific details.

Who wants to save the dolphins? Why?
=A think that the three of them, (saul, ruth, sue) they want to save the dolphins. They want to rescue them from the hands of control, because they know that he (Control) is hurting them.

Who thinks that Ruth's crazy and why?
=Sau. Because Ruth was saying horrible things,that are happening, and she knows that is hard and crazy to believe, but saul needs to do it. So thats the reason that saul said thatshe was crazy.

Who is rude and why?
=Sue. Sue was rude to saul. She is a kind of person that say to people what to do. But in my personal opinion, I think that she was rude because she likes Saul, and is the way to hide her feelings to him.

Who want's to scan Saul's eyes. Why?
=Sue wanted to scan Saul's eyes, because that's the way that Saul can enter to the Music Room.
The music room has a code, that only Controler's members know, and the only way to break in is by scanning the eyes.

2. What do you think Saul is going to do?
= I think that he will do it, he will rescue the dolphins, i mean he knows how the plan will be, risky, dangerous, but he is a brave man, and i know that he will do a good job, and he will save the dolphins.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chapter 4

Dolphin Music

1. Describe the following character's personalities:

Saul: He is a music critic. He loves dolphin music. And he always listens to it. He is a generous and intelligent person.

Caroline: Is Saul’s girlfriend. She plays the cello so well, that she gives virtual concerts. She is a famous musician.

Dick Lane: He is a member of Captain Mars, from BEATCON. He had always felt that Captain Mars doesn’t like him.

The Controller: Like his name, he is the controller of everything, the one that
Has the power of everything. He is evil, and many people are afraid of them.

Captain Marrs: He is an evil man. The leader of BEATCON.
He is lead by Controller’s order.

Ruth: She is an old woman. Saul calls her (POD), and also he takes care of her. She is one of the leaders of PACE. She is a brave women, she wants to save the dolphins and all the people from control. She wants a world peace.

2. Why does the Controller say about Saul "I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer"? What is going to happen?

Because Controller knew that Captain Mars was angry with the terrorist, but also he knew that when captain Mars wants something he get it, no matter what. So Controller said that he will not be alive for very much longer, because Captain Mars will catch him as soon as he can.

Monday, June 23, 2008


My 2 Idioms
  • Money doesn't grow on trees.

Something that you say which means you should be careful how much money you spend because there is only a limited amount.

Example: 'Dad, can I have a new bike?' 'We can't afford one. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.'

  • Bring something to light

To discover facts, often about something bad or illegal.
To make something known.

Example: Her books brought to light women's contributions to society across the centuries.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Dolphins Music


1. Saul's computer could understand what he said to it. TRUE

2. There weren't enough jobs for everyone to work all the time. TRUE

3. Most people had to do community work for six months. TRUE

4. Saul thought the life was better in the past. FALSE

5. Saul and Caroline had never been in the same place together. TRUE, they had never been in the same place, they only talk in the computer, but they can see to each others by the computer.

Chapter 2
who said what? Be specific on the details. Look at the italic wording.

1. I'm old enough to say what I like.
= Ruth said that, when she was talking to Saul, about her experience in life, about all the things that she has been through.

2. We know how to avoid the police.
= Ruth; she was saying to Saul about the way that her organization (PACE) avoid the police.

3. They've shot many of my friends already.
= Ruth, she was saying to Saul the things that control do when something is wrong. She was saying the stories about her friends, how they been killed.

4. He wanted to be back in his room listening to music.
= Saul. He was so scared about all this thing of the plan, that the only thing that he wanted is being in his room, listening to music.

5. When they are in terrible pain and dying. They sing.
= Ruth. She was telling to Saul the way that dolphins suffered, when they are in pain.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My embarassing moment

I think the most embarassing moment in my life was when I went to the movies with my friends, and we were so excited to see the movie, so we got in line and next to us, it was a really cute guy. Finally, when it was our turn to buy the tickets the guy that was selling them said to us that we were too young to see the movie that we want it. In that moment my friends and I felt so embarassed, because the cute guy listened and laughed at us. We were so red as a tomato, but we saw another movie, so it was great too.

Welcome to allie's BloG

welcome to my blog; hope you like it.