Saturday, June 21, 2008


Dolphins Music


1. Saul's computer could understand what he said to it. TRUE

2. There weren't enough jobs for everyone to work all the time. TRUE

3. Most people had to do community work for six months. TRUE

4. Saul thought the life was better in the past. FALSE

5. Saul and Caroline had never been in the same place together. TRUE, they had never been in the same place, they only talk in the computer, but they can see to each others by the computer.

Chapter 2
who said what? Be specific on the details. Look at the italic wording.

1. I'm old enough to say what I like.
= Ruth said that, when she was talking to Saul, about her experience in life, about all the things that she has been through.

2. We know how to avoid the police.
= Ruth; she was saying to Saul about the way that her organization (PACE) avoid the police.

3. They've shot many of my friends already.
= Ruth, she was saying to Saul the things that control do when something is wrong. She was saying the stories about her friends, how they been killed.

4. He wanted to be back in his room listening to music.
= Saul. He was so scared about all this thing of the plan, that the only thing that he wanted is being in his room, listening to music.

5. When they are in terrible pain and dying. They sing.
= Ruth. She was telling to Saul the way that dolphins suffered, when they are in pain.

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