Saturday, July 12, 2008

Final Thoughts.

Final Thoughts

1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.
=The character are Saul, Sue,Caroline, Ruth, Capt. Mars, Control, Dolphins. If I were one of the characters in the novel, maybe I would be Sue. Sue is a brave women, positive, and she has a good self confidence. I think that i will like to be like her, she is not afraid of nothing and she would fight until the end; and I like that.

2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?
=Mmmm... He was shocked, he didn't realized about the problem that dolphins were suffering, he was scared at the same time, he had a lot of feelings at the same moment. But at the end he didnt want to accept it, he didn't want to accept the real life.

3. SettingDescribe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.
=Year 2051 is totally different, from ours. They have advanced technology, they depend of them. They dont have privacy, because all of the person were watched. They have a lot of comfortable things. Few jobs, because all companies works with robots, computers etc. The food different, the transportation. A lot of global warning.

4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.
= A combination of the above, I was anger but at the same time desparate, scared. I was scared of the life that they were living, i was telling myself that i dont want to live like that, is horrible.
Also i was kind of nervous because of the dolphins, i was worried of them, if they would be rescue or not.

5. Compare and Contrast:Who is the main character of the novel?Describe how you are like the main character of this novel.Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel.
=Saul absolutely. I have a little of him, if i were him, i should be scared too at the first moment. But im different of him because he believes in all the things that control said and he is stubborn, because he didnt want it to accept the real life.

6. Advice, If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.
= Dear saul:
My name is ale and im from mexico. How are you? ... well i hope that everything is ok,,....
I wrote this letter for you because i want to give you an advice.
My advice is that you should be more open. Express your feelings, for someone. Dont be scared, and be secure of yourself.
I just want you to know about this, i hope that you could do it, and you will see the difference.
sincerley ale.

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